I need you the clothes on my back the fears that keep me alive the dreams that pull my present life off track you the one who keeps me wanting to be alive
I want you I want to see your face everyday as your eyes are the window to a world I wish I could live in I want to hold your hand and I know I am shaking because I am nervous next to you but it's only because the words I want to say to you want so badly to get out but my tongue is a steadfast guard waiting at the gates of what I should and shouldn't do
I have to have you I have to have the sun and the moon the sky and the sea the fire and the ice awaiting all around me For you are the sun with radiance that brings life into existence For you are the moon a beacon of hope to all those who are tangled in the vines of their own beloved hate for themselves For you are the sky and sea I am a volcano and whenever I explode you are there to control my burning fire you are the sky to push my lava back down to where I belong on earth with you You are fire You do not fear me or anything else You are ice and my anger and yelling melts a little bitter deeper every time until you are inside yourself
I know you hate me but for you my love is unbearably true My depression blossomed into a great redwood tree and believe me I really ******* need you.