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Jun 2014
It feels like I've made the worst mistake of my life so far. I feel in love with a second semester senior who is heartbroken. With his smile so pretty and his words so meaningful and sincere, I can almost looked past the rupture she caused when she left. I keep telling myself it's on high school, it's only high school, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. He said things to me that were kind and unexpected. Then I built it up in my head. Told myself in the end it would all work out. It wouldn't be like every other sophomore that liked a boy who would be leaving in a matter of months. I told myself it wasn't stupid and meaningless. I told myself if I wanted it badly enough in the end where his car pulled away I would be smiling and thankful for those three months. That's my problem. Older boys who I can't possibly have a real relationship with. My other problem is I might just really like him and everything that he is and maybe I don't really understand how pathetic this is but I know I don't care. Philly isn't that far.
Written by
Alaska Jaxbird  the moon
(the moon)   
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