I find myself feeling lost in the same place as I've always been but not knowing where I am. I feel like I've just awoken today from a deep slumber that lasted several years all of the people, places I've known have completely changed some are not here anymore. All the things I thought I knew are simply fabrications, memories the person I once was seems like she doesn't even exist. I am angry, sad, depressed filled with thoughts of confusion the world is so much harsher and more rotten than I ever understood. I have memories of being a child full of life, excited, curious gravitating towards love going after what I want but slowly over time the energy that I held has been drained from my soul a little drop everyday the more I age, the more things complicate, the more it hurts my past rosy life is now blurred from view.
Sorry this is really depressing and intense but it is how I feel right now.