There’s this dream I have, the wind soft on my face, the salt smell of the ocean inhaled deep in my lungs all the way through to the bottom of my soul. I open my eyes, the ocean lapping gently at my toes a clear blue sky mirrored by crystal clear water the sun shining down on my body the sand formed to my figure like i’d been here on this beach all along I stand up and search the shoreline as if I hadn’t been here so many times before its barren and abandoned not even a rock amongst the sand to heed my passing the sun falls through the sky ever so slowly as I press on only the whistle of the wind in my ears the caress of the weathered sand the cool water running up and over my ankles and then away again I find my imprint just as i’d left it to stubborn to fade from the oceans weathering I lay back down in the sand and close my eyes When they open again its dark the lights off in my bedroom so on these nights of celebration I find myself searching the crowd, anxiously another drink to settle I’ll walk hand in hand with the devil before I walk home alone tonight.