i'm living proof that 11:11 shooting stars, four-leafed clovers, are just little strands of hope which one clings to and when they climb they realize it wasn't substantial because hope doesn't change a thing and they fall it's so sad how most people are forced to suffer just because of societies ****** up view on the littlest things which deep down don't matter in the least bit the world is overpopulated so enlighten me why all the lonely people? i stared got lost in this view of this seemingly endless pathway that led uphill and i could see past the hill beyond it was brighter a place than i've ever encountered will i ever reach that place? when i was there i wanted to go and see but my friends held me back why…? i'm a lone ranger these days maybe i'm always meant to be maybe the land past the path is gone could be my past… would it be stupid if i cut off all connection with you? severed all those barbed wires connecting these aching pains between you and me and you would skip across my mind the fleeting image of you and what we could've had will come and go i'll picture you regretting these decisions you've made the respect you've lost digging through your room discovering that the light that we said would never stop blinking, the symbol of our love, will never illuminate your shattering skin till those united spirits we left behind embrace