I. in his dreams he saw her in his dreams he wove a tapestry of hope a phantasmagoria of love's plenitude but that was only in his dreams
II. when Fall came he figured a deciduous alternative to pining for the impossible and succumbed slightly to the mad sensation of his fervent passion
instead of leaves he shed tears
III. one day sunlight streamed down and he found himself bathed in warmth suddenly alive with energy suddenly vital suddenly at long last
IV. yes it was penumbra outside just outside but within his citadel his castle a light shone pure impervious elegant such light as arrives after a great storm
he thought the storm had lasted sixty years or more
it was hard to define infinity as a daily companion but there it was again sitting on the sofa staring him down from its perspective of ever
he had he thought to change into something else something else something else
a circle mudra
no beginning no end
infinity at his
in his dream he was at the shore of the Prospect Park Lake
dogs were loose and running on the shore
suddenly the dogs began to run into the thin ice of the lake crash through start swimming
he saw a couple of german shepherds three golden doodles one of whom was his new dog Lola
he watched them swim out then begin to return by diving and reappearing closer and closer to the shore
he kept on looking for Lola but he did not see her
increasingly agitated he asked where is my dog repeatedly
then he was in an ambulance because he had had a stroke
as the ambulance backed up he saw a golden doodle on his or her back surely dead
he asked the driver is that my dog
and the driver did not answer
infinity again appeared unassuming and near
VII in-fin-ity he pronounced savory syllables in inside or of belonging to fin end terminus limit ity in-the-year quality of right-nowness images without concrete impact because after all, he could only hope to understand a vestige as it appeared between the moments when he looked at his watch
VIII. his most concrete recall of infinity manifested here and now was: his older son (at four years old) had just heard a description of the cosmos astronomy being one of his (father) interests as he (father) looked at the sky in moments of wonder in his (father) life and what may or not come after so when it was time for him (son) to be taken to school in the old VW bug he (son) sat with a distant look in his(son) eyes while he (father) tried to start the engine and suddenly he(son) burst out crying and he(father) concerned startled said what's the matter and he(son) said whimpering despairing at the immensity of it all
he was four years old on a trip with his father they stopped at a hill near railroad tracks a train came by the engineer waved he said "he waved at me" his father said "no, he waved at me" then started to climb the hill he followed they came to what he thought was the summit and he asked when does it end his father said this climb is infinite
so they both turned back you can't start on infinity too soon.
he found a map city of ny 1930 complete with subways ferries and the like he stared at it for a long time checking out so many familiar names so many half remembered sites suddenly come alive from so many years ago and realized it could have been yesterday
and maybe it was.
standing at the very top of Vargas Street in Quito, he yelled her name, called her as one calls for a miracle
true to form
nothing happened except the street and his life spread out before him and he knew not why
he dreamed three signs: life death infinity
and they were all one and the same
in the airplane flying high above destitute crowds teeming multitudes lost continents of grief he thought he glimpsed a truth so vast it stunned him as he sat watching fluffy clouds reach out
then it was time to land and he forgot about it.
infinity, companion supreme and inexpressible fount foundation and relief of all we are
within thy subtle concatenations (subsuming all in patient minutes that escape uncounted) gather this thy humble servant in your mantle of hours and grant by thy unknowable presence that I too your meaning
(extant in a universe so vast only the most minimalist structures understand)