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Nov 2010
Little thrills of maybe
Lead to daydreams of possibilities.
The dark desires of wantonness
Interspersed with heady lust.

Memories of lips meeting hers
So much told in that first kiss.
Passion, tenderness and hot molten desire
All told as lips meet for the first time.

Smells of desire intermingle with perfumed skin,
Hot, fevered touching in the night
Whispered exchanges of half words and moans
As lovers climb the ladders toward fulfillment.

Heavy breathing exhausted lovers lie in each other’s arms.
He holds her close and she hears his heart
Knowing it belongs to another; grateful for the few moments they spend together.
He dresses to leave and takes another small piece of her heart with him.

Easy promises made in the heat of passion
Broken quickly by her faithless lover.
Still, she waits for the thrill of the maybe,
That lead to her dreams of what is possible.
11/15/10  Dark Paradox
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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