I am trapped in a house in my mind with shattered windows and pictures of us glued to the walls and the sound of your voice telling me you don't love me. I am sinking into the ground and I can't move but your voice follows me reminding me that I am loveless and poison I am poison and you drank from me and I am so sorry I want to be a flower a beautiful soft harmless flower I want to love something without making it squirm and wither WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME I can't breathe without you I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of emptiness and it is so loud. I remember when you told me you'd show me the moon but I think the moon had fled and the sky above the cloud is empty like me. I wonder if you'll ever find it and if you do will it make your lips slip into a smile at the thought of me or if you'll send it crashing down.