Child, woman. Wise, innocent. Stained from the past with blood of the ages, generations make their nations out of common DNA.
Slipping slowly is my memory of youth. Not forever forgotten, but the little girl inside is like an apparition, who has tried to go away for good. I yearn for the newness she once had, and I wonder if I'll ever know her again.
Paradoxical chimes on the ticking clock fog my yesterday and alarm my tomorrow. Memories are like a sun-setting dusk, some at peace, some not. The future and I never met But I want to race there to meet it and not in foolishness pass by today.
Not underaged, not a wise, old sage, I'm a half-breed to both Thirtysomething. Stuck in the middle. Wading waist deep in exasperation waiting to fly, to fly higher and higher, regretting that I did not fly that far. But I cannot turn this watch inside out, I cannot turn back time. Can I accept that?
I'm half brave, half afraid. I'm part greedy, part giving. I want to be part of the whole picture of the puzzle... but I'm holding back the missing piece.
Child, woman. I'm a tree splintered in two directions, and after much inspection, I wonder...