the old man pushes his lens into the soft salt of her thoughts trying to decipher the meanings of whispered cries trying to divine the truth to the tale he peered at the living moving thoughts as they spun and danced just out of reach just out of perceptions touch
teasing and laughing at his fumblings and grasping the lead him on blind to his destinations they lead him on of their own accord you could just see him in a rapture of her lights stumbling down dark road walking like the sleeping innocence into the wilderness into places only she would know the old man muttered curses for the elusive dream muttered wishes to see the truth of the daylight dream
he sipped from the dusty jug and wiped a trembling hand across sunburned lip still his gaze locked on the pretty lights locked on the enticing thought follow me my sweet i will give you loves and comforts follow me my lover i will lead you to safe warm heavens locked in the twisting turning spinning song of her bright lovely thoughts you can find him sitting in desolate wilderness staring into a thimble of bright light with a grin of rapture on his withered face with a death grip on the glowing promise of joy of her pretty thoughts