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Nov 2010
I did it again I came in stumbling
I can't speak out so I end up mumbling.
I slammed the door so hard the pictures fell
I hate myself so much I want out of this Hell.
I can't see in the dark so I trip over the couch
I start cursing at it before I can say ouch.
I tear up whatever is in my way
I don't care if you go or if you stay.
By the time I get to the hallway the house is a mess
I don't care anymore I have enough stress.
I see you lying there in the bed alone
I come at you like a cyclone.
"Get up out of this bed, go clean this house."
as I grab you hard, tearing your blouse.
You try to get up but, I stomp off in a rage
go to the closet and grab my 12 gauge
You are crying so loud but, I don't hear a sound
until the gun let's off a single round.
I am shocked by the noise, I drop the gun in a hurry
I stumble to the bed but, my vision is still blurry.
You aren't moving, "my God what have I done?"
"What the hell made me so mad to pick up that gun?"
Standing there in tears I scream,"baby I didn't mean it."
" I drank too much, I love you, the beer made me do it."
I put my hand to your face to see if your breathing
I can't see too clearly but, I don't see you bleeding.
I reach in my pocket and pull out my phone
I call 911 and give them the address to my home.
The cops soon arrive you haven't moved at all
I let them in and stand with my back against the wall.
They tell me,"Sir come in here, we really need to talk."
I don't know how I didn't fall since I still could barely walk.
My eyes dart open and I grasp for a breath of air
I yell your name when I see you sitting there.
The cops put handcuffs on me and say I'm going to jail
"You're lucky you didn't **** her,you might get out on bail."
"Baby, I love you madly, I would never want you to die."
She looked at me in my face and said "I love the way you lie."
Now my wife has moved to a location that I am not to know
they say I'll be out of prison in a few years, I'm really hoping so.
So, I sit here everyday and think of her while in my cell
I thought my life was bad before now I really am in Hell.
prompt: Eminem and Rhianna's song Love The Way You Lie
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