I like Stephen King Not for his plot twists of horror But for how he notices the very real Human tics And ideosyncrasies that every posess Making us unique Just like everyone else He would notice Let's say, something like; The bored housewife Sitting at her kitchen table Drinking coffee with one hand And hitting on a joint with the other Like she's reciting rosary To E.L.O.'s "Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, don't bring me down,Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, don't bring me down, Bruce, Don't bring me down, , no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. Nooo-oooooh-oh (I tell you once more before I get off the floor don't bring me down) Bruce...
His next sentence jolts us The bored housewife's ceiling Would then fall down Crashing down On top of her Smashing her skull Buried under drywall and brick Gotta love the details
But afterwards Will the once bored housewife (As well as you and I and Stephen King?) Be given a test?
What Did You See? What Did You Learn? What Did You Do?
Did You Get It??
Will we need to sharpen number two pencils? A mortalist?
We live here but once Stephen King Bored housewives You and me