Every woman carries the archetype of the Goddess to be celebrated
For each man to experience himself within her
She'll make him feel in ways beyond stretching his core left pining for just a touch more
Thus immersed in sensation of the Heart Soul and Mind seeking relation lost in elation
She brings his life alive with her expression of spirit and emotion subtle poetry rapture in motion
Blessings are these nurturing moments in immersion of lunar eros and solar power
Cyclical awareness remembering when joy filled his core what he lives for
She is recognized celebrated and adored for she is love she is expansion she is essence and essential
enclosed is my celebration of feminine energy on the planet, and the inherent value of every female ...
can we all, ~ men especially ~, look upon her without seeking to abuse and dominate, elevating ourselves beyond biodesires, towards becoming a blessing to her world instead of a horror?
beauty, goddessness and ~ perceived ~ 'perfection' are not the issue, respect and sovereignty, are ... this proze was written from inspiration received through a lifetime of engagements with abused souls ... and the inspiration is their gift, to me ...
what is art, and beauty for, if not to nudge us towards expanded perceptions, and our own evolution?
'tina smiled' - john trudell
if this in any way offends, ~ please compost appropriately ~