It was a hand me down, An old Chevy that grandpa didn't need, It was just a little truck, But it would do, Blue and silver, with rust sprouting up here and there, A creaky tailgate, No ac, but a sunroof, Comfy seats that held you like a race car, The smell of dust wafting from the vents It had a little engine that needed work, It had old tires that needed to be replaced, A layer of dust that needed to be washed off. But I didn't care, It was my first truck!
New engine, New tires, A deluxe wash at the co-op, And a black ice air freshener, This truck was born again.
Spinning tires and dust flying, Rolling down the streets and tearing up the gravel roads, This truck purred like a kitten. I didn't care if people had bigger trucks, Newer trucks, Fancier trucks, This was my first truck And I loved it!