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Jun 2014
I often dream of acceptance
of who I am, of who I could be
the people and places I've seen
are just that,
people and places.
Empty buildings, and emotionless faces.

I am in fact living in a world of terror
the hospital bed I laid with visions
of the outside.
The window they used to watch me sleep,
but I was in fact awake for the third time.

My troubled mind bleeds sometimes
when I see pictures of you.
It might have bled today
because I thought I'd drowned in the bed I laid
but quietly I fell asleep.

Sleeping was the worst part
for at night I had to relive the past
and hear my parents cry.
I wonder if I'll grow old with someone
one day.
I wonder if the world will stop turning
and making me feel this way.

I decay.
Francis Glanton
Written by
Francis Glanton  Undersea
   Kira Ferguson and SPT
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