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Jun 2014
I would never think of writing about
how I'd rather listen to you talk about what you thought
love was
in place of making dinner
I have found myself shrinking
from lack of sufficient vitamins
and I would never think of writing about how your lips curve so splendidly when you smile
how your teeth carry a night light that brightens even the deepest darkness
I would never think of writing about how your eyes are deeper than the pacific
deeper than any ocean
ever to have existed
the blue is blinding
your eyes carry a delicious color
that reminds me of an old swing set I used to have
and I would never think of writing about love
love is something so dear and fragile
that my words do not have the capacity
to begin to attempt to explain it
love is sweet and gentle
love is not what you would expect but when you meet love,
love is not disappointing
I would never think of writing about love simply because
all I would be able to write about
is you
Written by
     authentic and Holly
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