Sleep didn't quite find it's way to me last night I felt crushed by nothing but a great deal of pain Aching all over my body from my head to my toes Beginning to feel like I'm going mentally insane.
No way to escape these hurt feelings so I'm being told No cures, no instructions or any such easy ways out Doctors aren't particular or sure on how this will end No such clues or any directions to what this is all about.
Suffering from morning through the middle of nights Affecting my mind, my body and taking over my soul Extremities malfunctions and the stinging under the skin Causes me to cringe unwillingly and to lose all control.
Loss within myself because of the endless pile of sorrow Gratitude for the good life ends with nothing but grief Fighting this battle and all the fictitious stories of hope Grasping for any moments that spell any signs of relief.
Fibromyalgia... without knowledge or awareness there will be no cure.