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Nov 2010
I do not know about you but i have been thinking about every man and woman being responsible for their own growth and advancement in god's kingdom. if you look back to the beginning,The book tells you that god and the angels existed in the beginning before man.  God made one angel  the most beautiful, this made the angel hungry for power.  After all made in gods image was good ,real good!  So my mind meditated on this thought for a few days i found it to be true in the respect that Satan was the first created being.

This is kinda heavy because it says in another place his only be gotten son. (being Jesus.)  Jesus and Satan were one of chaos and peace. This leaves another connection, if he was the most beautiful the most powerful next to god; last to be first. This would be the same two ends of the same point. We just need to see the dimensional shift in the making of his only son and the purpose for his son.

I do know that being a human male, female; complete within its self as Adam was in the likeness of god. Again like Jesus, was missed by near all in the book of genesis.  The female was hidden inside of Adam till the rib was taken from Adam so he would have a help mate. Adam had all three.  The holy spirit, Jesus, the father and his wife. This told me that humans were frail compared to an only begotten son or the father.  This occurred in the fragmentation of sin.

I have seen arguments through out my time and many from people with titles i can't begin to pronounce. We all discuss the possibilities or we look the other way because we cant rap our head around the facts given to those with the true heart of Christ with all the answers written in it and the holly spirit to convict you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            When god saw the angel's hunger for that which was given to only the one, they became jealous. God found that beauty was a tricky thing  so he  gave us all free choice ,that is a trick in it 's self!  It says that god is a jealous god and none shall be before him in importance or any thing else .  So the new problem was sin.

A fragmented being's punishment for going astray was to live as human. Here is a concept for the fallen to live as the perfect creation of god. I think this was the bar for all of eternity.

Our god made many mansions, they are here on earth where he sent the fallen to experience free will  to the fullest extent and to repent and pray that the father would hear and let you come home, back to the original status as angle's who sang day and night to the father and let his love be their all.

whew!  That is another mouthful there.  I went to sleep one night and was invited into the inner chamber, to have many questions and answers lull me to sleep. yea i remember asking let me learn during my sleep that which i need to bring me closer to the one who loves me unconditionally for eternity. Each day that passes i am given more.

Now back to the part about sin.  Sin was the reason the earth was made.   Sin was the reason god created man perfect in all things. Those  that fell wanted to become like them so much that  they singed their wings when they intermixed with gods perfect human beings.  They were known as the Son's and daughters of men the fallen angle's.  While the new creation was known as the sons and daughters of the most high.  How wonderful that we had this given to us freely we did not have to work for it as the angle's had in the beginning.  

Just think only a percentage left heaven for earth.  Why?  What was so magnetic to be human?  Could it be god so loved the earth that he gave us his son the Angel, the spirit that became flesh so man would live. How much did he love his creation in whom he was well pleased?

This made me ask how far had man fallen short of his destiny to be sons and daughters of the most high ?  As the world turns and the dawn of a new day we all have the knowledge and the wisdom to know who we really are, who we really were and who we shall serve in the end for all eternity with our wings all shinny and new.

I ask of you how then shall we treat our fellow man all the while struggling to return home to the righteousness of our eternal being?
(c) Shekinah  En Ka Mit
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