i am drowning being slowly dragged under by the weight of my guilt cosumed in my bed as i lay warm inside my emotional quilt it layers me like i layer myself layer upon layer , upon layer , upon layer my invisible angels watch over me kneeling in prayer, to someone that isnt there at the side of my bed they are manifestations, pehaps halusinations dreamed up inside my head the reside on an even keel with demons and the dead
am i a freckle on a pretty girls face or mabye an obsolete number that has no place in this life or the next am i a love letter, a text perhaps the next phone call to say the one you love wont be comming home today life demands he stays under the car broken and twisted soon to be listed as just another dead brother, son, friend, father to a little one who will now have to rely on mum as the important one
its getting late as i lie here at night , full of fright clinging to thoughts that are not right but without them , i might , not make it without devils and demons to help me fake it, what does it leave the cold touch of reality, **** sludge **** thick and black hanging on my back, breaking my spine leaching off everything thats mine **** comming out of my eyes, my ears **** comming out of my mind, making me blind to everything that makes sence **** that builds a fence to keep nice things away at least for today
if i remove the mask how long will the next one last life demands so much my masks cant keep up have to wear a new one each day smile politely and say, lying of course i am really ok then i turn and go back to my life of clay moulding, folding this and that way ptting on another face to help me get through another day