her untainted eye waits as the edge of light is eclipsed darkness fills the motel room sound from the next room muffled but pure unintended they fill this room with angers not our own we just sit in our darkness breathing she undresses and sits on the floor i crawl out of bed and curl up next to her the tv comes to life like an apparition its pulsing flickers like heartbeats slowing till we slept
my soiled hand sketches a history only wished a desire for what could have been bare my hearts fissure and it lay in the slow rain wet and weakly beating
she had shades of sorrow clinging to her eyes her smile sang reassurances but her distracted fumbling spoke to me the silken mirror of adoration softened her words as her image was coated with the happy thought ideal
her worries consume her lip chewed slowly over the timeless evening till only the pulp of my head remained woodenly walking my way in her dark paradise till the rain had slowed