The devil beats his wife in Louisiana Hot wet rain Pounds on the glassy window And you, my friend You sit Brunette and brutal Heart pounding like hot rain Who though metal could be so heavy Who thought guns weren’t all that hard to find Who thought you were twisted and planning and deep I didn’t
Slipping little things into speech I said it was hot You said you legs were melting into the pavement Bones brittle and burning I fussed about the math exam You said about the teacher We should just **** her And I thought: That’s just dark humor I can appreciate Aronofsky and black sarcasm
Now you stand up I sit a wall apart Drumming my pen Tap tap tap tap tap The rain comes down Tap tap tap tap tap A gun goes off Tap tap tap tap tap I cannot move My feet have melted into the floor
Your head is a grenade And I held the pin Between my teeth Like an apricot pit I didn’t speak I said nothing Kept you trapped ****** and dangerous Condemned to this world that fit you so ill
Bang bang And the locks are feeble The kids are quiet Anticipation Funny how nothing but mass ****** Could zip their ******* mouths Like a start gun The panic begins
You paint the walls red Wounded scared kids run chaos to the door And you You are the eye in a hurricane A cataract in the Nile You are still And my feet are cemented To the ******* ground And hold my eye contact And hold it
I want to say this pretty I want to give you some glorious macabre I want to make you gruesome poetry But I cannot And you blow your ******* brains out And my feet stay cemented Until the police come to clean up The mess you made
The television says you’re a monster Papers argue teenage corruption I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know As I stand White shoes toeing the lip Contemplating the traffic below me And the life you shattered and left