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Jun 2014
I can disguise myself as love.
I will befriend you.
I most definitely will weaken you.
I will make you cry.
I will break you, shattering your beating *****.
I can ******* over.
I can force myself deeply within you.
I will darken your mind, and betray you.
I will destroy your soul, and torture you.
I will misguide you.
I can worsen you.
I am an infection.
I will cause you confliction.
I will control you, inflict you.
I am your depression.*
I am the cause of your suffering.
I can make you want to die.
I will crush you, beating you down.
I can curse you, providing false hope.
I am a ******* lie.
I can make your life a living hell, make you miserable.
*I probably will **** you.
Written by
FallenInTorment  22/F/Among the broken...
(22/F/Among the broken...)   
   --- and Jonathan Noble
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