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Nov 2010
It starts with just a glance,
A look of love to start romance.
I see the fire in your eyes
That starts the slow burn of my own desire.
A wicked smile sent for you to sense
The wickedness of my intent.
The art of flirting is not lost
The smile, the moves, the eyes, the hair toss.
All signals to my mate, my love,
It’s time to take this dance above.
My movements slow to a sensuous pace,
My heart, however, the tempo, a faster race.
I taste your lips, your eyes, your ears,
Your touch like a brand on my skin, it sears,
A path of tingling as you mold my breast
Into your hand, pulling me closer to your chest.
Loving the feeling of your skin on mine
The way you drive me crazy and take your time
Moving slowly over my body with your kiss
Closer and closer to that heavenly bliss
I touch you where ever I can
But you have driven me mad with desire and
The me that was is no longer here
Just a bundle of sensations and feelings linger near
Until the explosion releases my mind
And I return to us and to you and I find
The love shining out of your eyes into mine.
Mmmm, now tis your turn, my love.
I give as good as I got from above.
And when I sense you can take no more,
I take you inside me and feel you at my core.
Slow, gentle movements change to a frantic pace
I watch the changes wash over your face
As you reach the final bliss of your own.
I laugh at the look on your face as you collapse
After all these years, I’m pleased cause I can still make you do that.
You know what I mean, make that funny *** face
Then we both fall asleep, me securely wrapped in your embrace.
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
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