your skin was a manifesto of its own your heart beat; somehow always sounded like a busy tone because I'm tired of using your veins like a telephone waiting for you to just pick up already and say hello with a certain sense of peacefulness threaded throughout your voice like an air of perfection that would always be a little too far out of reach
and I wonder if you know that each and every morning I make one too many cups of coffee one for me and one for a chair that's been empty for weeks
I wonder if she watches you play chess as if you're opening a safe and I bet she has no ******* idea that your hands can create catastrophies and laughter can turn into screams in seconds
I want to tell her that legends know nothing of love or investment in one another and as hard as he's trying if he tells you he never loved me he's lying because there's no denying that at two in the morning when you're cold and lonely and the only thing you want is to be touched by something other than your own boney knees that a certain sense of nostalgia is laced within the air of your bedroom
I'm not sure what I'll do when the flowers on the front porch start to bloom
we planted them together in the spring
I'm still holding you true to your word that thunderstorms only bring beautiful things dandelions and daisies and maybe
a chair that's not empty holding hands, and kisses between coffee