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May 2014
I have lost the sense of myself in more ways than one
This burning feeling inside is making me come undone
I have many secrets inside I do not reveal
The deep and dark ones still seem unreal
For my age I have been through a lot,
My soul, mind and body are in distraught
Now is the age of Coming Clean
On the world that has been so mean

One night in a car on my first date ever
I was locked in his car and was told about a certain endeavor
No one could hear me scream or hear my cries of help
The cries were loud, pitiful and full hate
The monster holding me hostage was acting on ****
That was the night I learned of trust

The night I learned about heartache was the roughest of rough
my boyfriend of six months said enough is enough
Christmas Day turned to my worst nightmare
of feeling alone, used and unwanted
I thought it could have gone better
but no. I was given a Dear Jane letter
He handed it to me with a smile that was hiding a lie
the reason he did it? He wanted to see me cry.
Jessica Leigh Lewis
Written by
Jessica Leigh Lewis  North Carolina
(North Carolina)   
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