you and I are somewhat like the sun and moon so different but golden together and you are The Sun I wanna wake up to your presence every morning bask in your glow and feel your light bathe me and you're kindhearted, you arise everyday to provide the planet with warmth and gleam And I adore that This sky-fire of yours burns like my glittering stars And I admire that You illuminate the whole world but now I want you to illuminate me But you always elude my chase Cause I'm something like The Moon My silver, meek shine enlightens the universe and serves as a companion for little sad souls but when I'm climbing up to Heaven and gazing down at Earth I realize I illuminate the whole world too but I can't illuminate my own self See, the night was made for loving and I can't wait for the moment we touch and the sky shines burnt orange with our love I hope one day while cruising in the heavens we meet cause sometimes I like to think of the sun and moon as lovers who rarely meet, always hunt each other and almost always miss each other but once in a while they do catch up and they kiss and the world stares in awe of their eclipse