There is no turning back not now. No This time sir you've fallen too hard too fast the diagnosis Love and there is no cure it's like a virus, it Spreads through your cells and consumes you engulfs you. It moves Through you and effects you in strange ways it turns atheists into bible beaters on their knees prepared to pray. That is what you've become now sir Prey. Love has preyed on you preyed on your mind. Mind you, your mind is not your own now sir because i've infected you you're mine. i've caught you in my honey trap. I've stuck you in my love and now there's no turning back sir. because you're down too deep sir. is it you or is it me? There's no turning back now I'm stuck in your honey trap and there's no turning back You've tagged me now there's no catch and release no tag backs I've caught the Love and there's no return policy on my heart. There's no turning back This feels disorganized and wrong like modern art to be trapped like this pulled by my heart strings like a leash sir. I'm sincerely yours sir a puppet for your enjoyment. There's no turning back I've caught the love I'm stuck in your honey trap There's no turning back you've caught the love you're stuck in my honey trap. and it hurts when we pull each other by the heartstrings like twisted puppets Now there's no turning back we are stuck in the honey trap.
Sorry about this one. I promise i'm sober. It just plays with perspective and insanity a bit and it got out of control but I published it anyway.