Like gigantic spiders in their darkness They constantly weave their webs of lies They are relentless they are determined To catch the unwary just like flies.
They are as vultures always seeking Their next carcass on which to feed, They never make a contribution But only ever act to sate their greed.
They busily buy political systems They already own all of the means Of communication wherby the people Could learn what gives behind the scenes.
This culture that they have created The selfish creed of all for one The idea that we have society Now is nearly, but not quite gone.
To succeed they must destroy Any unity that people feel And any sense of social awareness From the national mind they must steal,
And replace it with the mindset That all that counts is me, me, me, Because selfish loners won't stick together So this is how we came to be
In an age where often ill gained profit Replaces any notion of right or fair, Living in a world of total exploitation Where the winners refuse to share
The gains that are out of all proportion To any effort on their part And they all compete to be known as The Gekko with the the hardest heart.