By itself, It is a stark word It is utter darkness A bottomless abyss A blank void It has no part in anything And matters to no one
But... If God could take A formless concept And turn it into the universe-- The earth, separating the sky from the waters, Creating the planets, our moon, The air, the seas, The animals and vegetation, and certainly all of us, Nothing now seems To have tremendous value
When my faith has felt Like a pile of rubble, reduced to ruin from heartache, From sin--all ways around I am reminded of The simple mustard seed, A seed so small it seems Nothing will come of it, But in time it grows and rises Beyond all expectations To multiply itself beyond Its humble beginnings, And the birds of the air rest in it To create a symphony of song
And so is our faith compared For all it takes is that bitty spark To ignite our faith, Or to regenerate it once more, Into something Out of practically nothing
Before you and IĀ Ā Had existed on this earth We, too, were like that seed Conceived, soon a microscopic fetus Developing from the oneness Of our mother and father And now we are here Inhabiting this earth From one, tiny spark We became something Out of practically nothing
So I dare not waste Such a precious gift Though life has been far from easy Taking my pen in my hand And sitting before a blank screen Or an empty piece of paper, And suddenly something comes Out of practically nothing
And so let us all realize What wonderful things Are yet to be done That have yet to come Into existence Looking unto God with thanks For those capabilities