You promised to kiss me at each stop light we encountered. Each one. With each daring red light we stumbled upon, you promised to lock lips, and steal the stumbling words off of my tongue. But dear, the drugs I've been taking has stolen the red lights we came across for it's kept me up for nights on end, and stolen my sanity like an alley robbery, and theses voices that followed the influx of serotonin left me depleted and void because all I want now is to come across a red stoplight. I need a second to breathe, with the walls closing , I'm searching for a door which might as well be the pack of pills or the touch of your lips but darling I am a roadrunner and I haven't stopped since my mother recommended I went for a run, and my heart weighs me down , and the thoughts cause me to drop my chin in the face of my father because when you kissed me the first time, it hurt more then anything I've ever experienced.
When it comes to negativity, I never believed it was possible to stop, so I kept going.