F is for our Freedom that we enjoy from day to day. Soldiers sacrificed their lives, so we can have a safe place to stay. R is for Remembering soldiers we can never forget. So many have brought strength to us, from the day we met. E is for Emptiness, because our soldiers are no longer around. Their bodies had to be laid to rest, as they were placed in the ground. E is for Encouragement I believe the soldiers want you to have. It was a much needed sacrifice to die, all because they cared. D is for Destiny who knows where today's soldiers could land? They will continue to hold the Flag up high, and always allow it to stand. O is for Opportunity, just to be able to fight. As a since of loyalty, in their hearts, they know this is right. M is for Memories the ones we will never forget. Hold on to the precious ones, and resist those which will get you upset. By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing