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Nov 2010
I see you in my mind’s eye,
So small
Hair flying as you ran laughing through the grass,
“Wait for me, wait for me.”
As we grew, the years between us prevented much,
The fights we had amounted to little,
You were my sister.
When I was a teenager,
Lost in my world of boys and cars,
You were never the pest that some others were.
I watched out for you and shared some of my world with you.
Then you grew up.
And I lost you.
Slowly at first, but more quickly as the years past,
And now I am an only child.
You still live but I have no sister, not any more.
I miss that little girl so much, the friend that you were before angry
Words took you away.
I have my memories.  
“Wait for me, wait for me.”
I’m waiting.
11/5/10  Peggy Montgomery
Dark Paradox
Written by
Dark Paradox
   Kay Meraz
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