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May 2014
I had a dream, in which I asked
Why I was so unhappy,
Why my life turned out the way it did,
When I clearly wanted something else.

I was shown a mistake I made,
A long time ago,
A terrible mistake, I now perceived.

When I saw this,
The sources of my problems
We're clear to me; the path
Of my life since then
Was clear to me.

“But”, I cried out,
“How can I change this now?!
How can I fix this?"

No answer was then received,
And I realized,
That I was far unhappier
That I knew.

For better or worse,
When I awoke,
I remembered the pattern of this dream,
But not the mistake.
Kopter Zero
Written by
Kopter Zero  United States
(United States)   
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