I was never the most handsome thing to look at. I never had nerves of steel or confidence of a God. I never had the best financial situation. Or the best hair. I never had the physique of a male weight-lifter. Or football player. Or dancer. Or even ping pong player. I never knew how to capitalize on opportunities like other guys did. I never knew how to stand comfortably in my own shoes. I always seemed to mess up. To botch my words. Ruin the moment. Poison the air with my disappointing appearance. I never had my emotions figured out. I never seemed to enjoy a day of happiness. Because I was too far lost in sadness. I lost my forest through the trees. I never even had a forest. I never had a place where seeds of hope could grow into trees of glory. Where my legacy could live on forever. Where my love could rejuvenate even the sickest of souls. I never had an opportunity to show what my love really could do. But I always had love to give. Too bad I never had anyone in line who wanted to receive it.