Are you stupid do you get it? there are rhymes here and there and everywhere anywhere- meanings besides what you read
christ give me meningitis or some sickness to display the esoteric **** that I say as a ailment to amend or **** me - but nonetheless to do me away-
I don't mean to pry but why do you read? to learn to become someone else? we'll make the best of it- I transgress the evident tip;
please refrain from adapting to the ego of a million towers I see you wander - all of you with your collars- while I sit on my *** and bite my callouses and listen to mid-popular, music and I feel taller as I submit, again and again and again since theres no limit, to my drivel and the **** ill say and do till you reject it and even then I continue when you sit there and read - as I do with myself in revision- you- as I- come to a wall - or worse a hole something to take away neither the pain nor the gain - but the attention or compassion from my life and yours too I struggle to have these metaphors and hidden meanings rammed down my throat;
to take it in - perhaps make sense- perhaps be happy again
to accept , move to whats next, not regret, gain a lesson, begin to clap and to win
and establish new intentions
But I struggle to have these metaphors and meanings hidden rammed down my throat;
- so instead I pollute, to avoid the swallow and then what besides the hopeless chase, of my self that I lose that you and I become- nothing- reduced- to simply follow