Go praise thou the Lord! It's seven o'clock! You cannot afford to slumber ad hoc. Five times you've hit snooze, and you've wasted an hour, Forget your excuse, and go get in the shower.
Go praise thou the Lord! The prayerbook awaits, its words unexplored, so get on your skates. It stands on the shelf for the start of the day, For Jesus himself rose up early to pray.
Go praise thou the Lord! Praise him in the morn! You seem to be floored. You don't know you're born. I wake you at six and you wail that you're sunk but just try your tricks as a friar or monk!
Go praise thou the Lord! Take heed what I say: I know you've implored today's Saturday; No more may you lurk with alarm clock ignored; For praising takes work, so go praise thou the Lord!
I think I should set a hymn as my alarm tune. Something like this.