should I lay chin pressed against the pillow I held onto as i child times where I believed the world consisted so little of the color black the hue overlaps my movements even when I wave hello to every man that has ever come across me the hellos to every man that has ever possessed me in that sense but no not ever really tunes that fled into my ocean when I was a child oh times where I knew that life didn't offer much mercy for your plead and your case never stretched so far so little so little you will always be in heaps and large amounts of light hearted daunted quainted quilted catastrophe ebbs into clear water that tastes like medicine down me down me the day that i came into this place I learned to stand straight live so gracefully under a veil that will become permanent and under eyes under my real eyes hands that moved under my real hands and thoughts that spoke themselves on paper and never never out loud I stray walk and smile into every being of interest destroy captivate release inhale exhale all the love all the love