would I imagine myself throwing myself in the arms of desperation after many years of annihilated love after many years of baroque turmoil tinted with smiles and kisses on my shoulder
multiple one ten maybe when I'm mentally exhausted 2 I drained myself of ability to perceive the difference between the look in your eyes and the look in mine
what does it all mean
I'm standing still and all I can hear is you yelling at me you cursing at me you drenching me in the pain that I have caused you
you kissing my neck and then slashing my back with the knife we have built together of our linking souls
I smile and tell you to just leave and my carelessness draws you closer to me then ever before and I move further wanting you yet I move further
what encompasses my sickness in love destroying my perception completely of the monster who was suppose to save me so long ago under heaps of destruction i find myself mendled by all your pretty things
and then at the end of the day I sleep with tears on my lips love.