Waiting Simply waiting It's like everything went by In the flash of an eye And yet I'm here Still waiting Debating Furiously debating I tend to fake The decisions I make Why am I still Debating Parading Happily parading I parade myself Til nothing is left Forever I'll be Parading Creating Forever creating I don't gotta hate When I make a mistake But only When I'm Creating Frustrating Always frustrating It's just like a storm When drama is born Why is my Life so Frustrating Relating Never relating You'd be surprised If you saw through my eyes Why are you So bad at Relating Fading Always fading It's like my reflection Has lost its complexion I feel like I'll never stop Fading Hating Everyone's hating There's nothing left that is pure For that I am sure This world Will never stop Hating Amazing It still is amazing Though most of it blows I make sure that I knows That I love life And it's still Amazing