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Nov 2010
Lying under trees, we breath.
As the wind dances in the leaves,
The blue sky pokes through the forest green.
Birds sing.
We enter sleep under the brown-gray bark
And we dream.
You dream of life,
And I of death.
We are connected.
As this tree's roots are to the very soil it's rooted in,
You're rooted in my heart.

I still lie here on top of the emerald grass,
And you have become one with this tree,
the roots embracing you in an everlasting slumber.
When the fall comes and the leaves fade to their reds and oranges
And finally plunge to the emerald sea below, I will be covered with you.
As winter stalks its way past fall, the first blankets lay atop,
And I lie there still covered in the remnants of you.
The roots of my heart shiver
And I leave to find warmth with the evergreen.

As spring enters, the weather surpasses,
Leaves return to your barren form.
I however shall not return for the thought
That I may not become part of the soil you remain rooted to,
Fear that we will not remain acquainted in the next life.
but I still live and breath.
And the conquest of this life will be over soon enough
And Then I might return to this spot----
Lying under trees.
© Nathaniel Justice 2010
Written by
Nathaniel Justice
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