I support you, keep you upright and strong. Carry you place to place each and every day. So much depends on my presence.
Pinky nail sized barely come to life. Only ten weeks old moving without being felt. I was important then too. One smaller miracle on one not much bigger.
As you grew I did too. Even when you never used me, I was with you. Getting bigger, stronger, just like you.
Smaller then a thumb I pressed against your mother's womb. They remarked with wonder, called it another miracle. You could not yet breathe on your own. They say you danced, I know you did. I was there. When you came into this world, I was the last part of you to leave safety.
You fought a battle with gravity just so you could use me. I was honored with giving you your first few steps.
When you climbed the live oak I gripped the branches and kept you from falling. Now when you dance I carry you across the floor. Bend, twist, arch to your movements, straining to the tips.
In your dreams I helped you charge dragons. I pounded out the rhythm of your heart against the ground. I pulled you up mountains until I was weary and sore. You never thanked me.
Now you complain about the pain I cause, too many staircase to climb. Weighed down by a ton of books and well worn knowledge.
Remember me, I'll remember you. When you face death I'll walk with you.
Appreciate me, before you only have one of me.
Be grateful that I was not wrapped in muslin so tight that my bones were broken and your freedom taken. Remember me for I am your feet.