your hair was long eyes burnt like savage charcoal hanging off the tunes that follows your voice when you speak blindess carsses infant bones inside of me you make me weak
pretty you moved like glitter in summer rain your words were simple and plain you sat like a indian sun child everything around us somehow manipulated into nature nothing was concrete nothing was cement
nights and days I repent the hours minutes seconds spent on basking in the rain that built up in front of your hands drops fall off strands of hair slowly on to the ocean under us purging lips
dive deep into uncharted mansions somewhere between bones and hips
from your water I would take small sips as I knew after our cups were empty you would leave or maybe I would
I got up to depart she grabbed my wrist at my skin she rips shes slips and unto her I grip
the yelling snaps like horsewhips my heart beat skips the anger settles
my vocbulary slips as femininity strips the images fill the Polaroid film strips and I think how I can no longer take this