There was once a man, he was short and had freckles and he had hands, hands that crushed apples, he'd joke and say "I don't need blenders" we'd laugh, but I always thought he wasted an apple, this man was rough, like concrete cinder blocks, imagine rubbing your knuckles on those, I saw this man fly once, his eyes were wild, I could see his chest burning as he said "Never let it die" I never knew you fell as you flew. There was once a man, this man knew that life held you by the toes whispering "this little piggy" a man who told life he didn't like pigs. He was friends with Death, He told Death to die and Death just laughed. There was once a man, and this man died, with one finger in the air and a smile on his face, I think he said more in death than he ever said in life, he said... there was once a man
(Creative input always welcome. Critique, please with honesty tell me what I could improve. I want to learn to become better. Thanks)