When she was six she didn't know that it wasn't okay for boys to hit girls. She thought it was love taps. When she was seven she didn't know when she said no he would still get what he wanted. When she was eight she learned that she didn't like to be touched. When she was nine she learned not to trust anyone. When she was ten she started to cry her self to sleep. When she was eleven she started to blame herself in every way possible. When she was twelve she told her best-friend for the first time. They cried for hours. When she was thirteen she put the stained red razzor down. When she was fourteen she tried to escape the pain with pretty pills that made up the rainbow and a 10 story fire escape. When she was fifteen she told her mom tears dripping down like a waterfall pass her smooth caramel cheeks dripping down on to her t-shirt unable to breath they cried together. She is 16 now stronger then ever keeping her head up high. But the thing is it's a lie he says. She wasn't emotionally and physically abused. It's a lie he says... It's a lie laughing so hard tears running down his midnight sky cheeks. If ages 6&7 were a lie then. Her stain cheeks are a lie. Her coco butter filled scars are a lie. Because abuse is a lie. Sure a lie. He took away her child hood now let Him take away this lie.