Unless I'm crying, I never spend more than 10 minutes on a poem. Even then, 10 minutes is quite rare. I wonder why I'm not a great poet but that lies simply within my time. I could write philosophy and deep words that resonate and be like the poets I admire, but you see they all spend time on their poems. They think it through and have something to say. I just write, blindly, quickly, pointlessly. my poems are simple and dull, quick rantings of a messy teenager with no conviction or strength or beliefs or heart- just quick words written in a minute that mean absolutely nothing.
I often wonder what I could do, should I spend time on a poem, but I've got no conviction no dedication no patience so I write poems in a minute- I paint words and frame them before they've begun to dry so they drip down across the canvas and make a mess of themselves and get jumbled and end up useless and ugly and dull.