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May 2014
I'm the kind of odd
That drinks hot chocolate
When it's 90 degrees
And leaves the window open during thunderstorms
Or that does something
That is absolutely impossible
And then does it again
Because I swear I was so close
To getting it right
I keep talking to people,
Even if they've left the room
I just talk at them
I like to paint my nails
Then paint over that
Then paint over that
I always tiptoe up the stairs
Even when it hurts
I like to waltz around the kitchen
And stare straight up at the sky
I turn off lights in rooms
As I walk out
Even when there are still people in it
I talk to myself while I take tests
And I love taking tests
I talk to myself before school
I wear scrunchies on my wrist
Because when I don't
I don't even feel like I exist at all
I just need to be a little odd
Because I have to feel
Please comment :)
Written by
Lydia  18/F/Pennsylvania
   Julia, --- and ---
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