Without a shielded case surround his head The revving world would never say what’s said. How sweet he lives beneath a clouded lie But laughs and writes and shuts his mother’s eye. In blackened caves and cracking creeks he’ll speak Of God and all that shares a curious peek. A creased lovely nose points to dragons, toads A day he’ll know as he plugs in sharp codes. Almond eyes search for a will to mean Peach doors compose the thoughts and glittery sheen Of winter. A waxing sled moves, becomes The symbol of his wild broods, his beckoned drums. Dear brother, know that spirits may be guides Toward murdered praises that the earth betides. What will he have in place of past sorrow A heartache of untouched grace thumping through He’ll leave beside the road curved up above Whispered dirt and moonlit walks, cloaked to shove The speech buried around his head, uncased The memoir of his name, once known, erased.