Everyone tells me I can't They all put me down Does anyone know how to make it stop Can anyone help me get up Am I to stay down, all alone Wait, oh, I forgot You don't know me You couldn't care less So why do I keep talking I tried to get your help You know I've been there for you So why aren't you there for me Why do you keep faking I've always been right here You know me when you need me But now I'm in need So now you don't know me I'm just a stranger Until I get through this and you need me So, what the hell kinda game are you playing I'm invisible Now I'm here I can't be wonderwoman and superman Why can't you help me I help you, don't I Even though you'd never admit it All you can do is lie To my face and behind my back You don't care You never really have So here's my last testament **Noone cares anymore