When my older sister and I were little We used to jump off the top of my dad's truck With umbrellas And hoped we would fly. We knew we couldn't do it, But we couldn't **** the dream Everytime we climbed back up, There was a chance And a glimmer of hope. We used to flip on the tranpoline She learned quickly to land on her feet, But I still can't. I didn't want to. In all those years In everytime I tried I still hope that the netting would never catch me The air was always soft, Even when the days were hot This was a mindless dream Even though I would never admit to having it. We took down the trampoline a few years ago But I still remember how to flip. When I learned to twirl baton, My sister didn't learn with me. The leaps and jumps we do Are as close to flying as I can get She does trapeze in the tree out back, But I'm not strong enough And I was too afraid to learn. I have been too afraid to do a lot o things And that's ok I don't want to fly With out her.