I pressed my prancing ear upon the chest of the thin melancholic paper the words dripped like purluded dreams of infants I beckon to trace my invisible whispers deeper into the parchment the pen touched the edge of tatter and my veins pump the bluest blood through my fingers Im bound by the seduction of the black art mused by its very exsistence Im in a constant dilemma of letting it persecute my very movements hurl my insides to make them distorted it is what allows me to walk straight emotions spit darkness into the light and I am basking in the harmonious sun leaving splinters on every pore and I beg for more
be so kind to speak harshly to lovely to think smoothly and open your skin so I can peer inside everything you believe in
waters thrusting without a sound in my playful obstacles of the notes that bound my lips together and I am purging thoughtful gazes in every direction or so to speak
I stand and hear snaps applause for my devotion admiration and unforgiving blunteness into my perception on the side walk the brim of homelessness sits on and I hum as I walk away from shaken lands the happiest tune I ever learned
the findings are premorse and the abstract facts are not enough you see
when I speak, forgive me but I always try to transgress logically fame in the writing of words are a bore and there is no cure in them speech is in the pit of the abdomen words are poetry spat out from the core of any woman